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The history

Acupuncture is an ancient natural healthcare system, originating in China over 3,000 years ago and based on the principles of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.  Its benefits have been experienced throughout history, and it is now widely used and recognised across the world.




According to Chinese Medicine, Qi, or the body’s vital energy, flows in a network of meridians that run across the surface of the body and connect with the organs. In a state of ill health, the energy in these channels may become blocked or an imbalance may occur in the organs. There are specific points along these channels, which affect the functioning of certain organs.  Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into these points in order to regulate the energy flowing in the channels, promoting the body’s own healing power and restoring its natural balance.




Diagnosis is based on the pattern of presenting symptoms, examination of the tongue and a subtle and highly skilled art of pulse-taking. A full medical history will be taken on the first consultation. The patient will be asked about current symptoms, medical history, diet, digestive system, sleeping patterns and emotional state. The practitioner is able to make a precise diagnosis, and subsequently devise an acupuncture treatment or herbal formula which is individually tailored according to the precise needs of the patient. Dietary and lifestyle advice may also be given. The exact pattern and degree of disharmony is unique to each individual.


Acupuncture is often used in combination with moxibustion, cupping or auricular acupuncture.




From a western medical perspective, acupuncture promotes the circulation of blood in the tissues, as well as stimulating the peripheral nerves, thereby triggering changes in the brain and internal organs.  It can affect a response in the endocrine, neurological and immunological systems.  


Acupuncture also triggers the release of painkilling neuropeptides and endorphins, providing pain relief and reducing inflammation.




Acupuncture is effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including:-


male and female infertility



painful periods

heavy periods










back pain








The theory

Diagnosis and Treatment

The Science

Conditions Treated

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